Kim Wilde TV


Kim Wilde - Heaven
United Kingdom, 1995
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Astoria London
Kim Wilde - Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
United Kingdom, 2007
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Kim Wilde - Together We Belong
Belgium, 2007
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Stars Of Europe
Kim Wilde - Love Is Holy
United Kingdom, 1992
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Kim Wilde - I Got You Babe
Belgium, 2007
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Stars Of Europe
Kim Wilde - Someday
France, 2007
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Live La Cigale
Kim Wilde - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
United kingdom, 2007
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Britain Sings Christmas
Kim Wilde - Dancing In The Dark
France, 1984
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Passeport Pour La Forme
Kim Wilde - Baby Obey Me
Germany, 2007
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Ballermann Hits '07

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Kim Wilde - View From A Bridge

Pop Awards
(United Kingdom, 1982)


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Played: 6609 times
Average rating: 9.11/10

2010-07-30 17:24
kam [ e-mail] rated 10/10
 10/10 for Kim !

2007-03-08 22:34
bjar1525 [ e-mail] rated 10/10
 this is one of the best - and the kim we remenber from the time she was greatest

2006-12-27 23:46
SADOK [ e-mail] rated 10/10
 THIS SONG ! THIS SONG ! love it love it love it ! But i have to admit, i had a laugh at the end when she 's back to the camera... is she started to falling down or what ?!!! o god ! i can t breath anymore ! ahahah ... or maybe it s just me !

2004-10-16 14:39
tonny rated 10/10
 kids in america

2004-10-08 00:26
Stephane [ e-mail] rated 9/10
 Great voice she had on that performance, great melody change too in the "below the bridge I see" section! It still works for me eventhough the rythm is very flat base/snare, gets a little boring once the hypnotic effect in the melody is gone! But it´s a nine:-)

2004-09-20 02:56
aa [ e-mail] rated 9/10

2004-08-08 10:46
svenjarrin rated 10/10
 simply the best song

2004-08-05 06:32
chris [ e-mail] rated 7/10

2004-08-03 18:00
Simon. [ e-mail] rated 10/10
 Hi guys, and Pierre. Unfortunately, I'm stil not able to log on here, I don't really know why.. But i can still say hello this way! Please tell us more about meeting Kim Pierre -did you talk about music at all? Si.

2004-07-29 21:19
Petu [ e-mail] rated 10/10
 This is what I like! By the way, very sexy (or sexual?) performance, really impressive, love it!

2004-07-08 14:58
Simon. [ e-mail] rated 9/10
 I keep trying to register, but before i can, the pop up window dissapears! Can anyone tell me where i'm going wrong? I already closed my firewall thing.. Thanks, Si.

2004-07-06 21:17
Simon. rated 9/10
 Pierre, how do i become a registered member of your fantastic site? I think its about time I joined. BTW Hi guys, hope you're all ok! :-)

2004-06-22 01:40
moogaboo [ e-mail] rated 8/10
 I think the sleazy choreography works here. Kim sounds good live, too. Bizarre and wonderful.

2004-06-16 10:56
Marc From Pigalle [ e-mail] rated 7/10
 Funny. A propos de "when I look below the bridge", there's another KW line running in my head for some strange reason : anytime something's going wrong or there's an urgency in my life or when I'm getting late for some appointment (very rare though, I'm a very punctual guy), I say to myself : "Panick hits the room"... Of course you Wilders probably know the song it comes from.. Well do you ?

2004-05-23 13:11
Joël [ e-mail] rated 10/10
 a great live performance ! Bravo Kim !

2004-05-01 23:38
kim_wilde rated 10/10
 srry verkeerde moest 10 zijn kim wilde is tha beste en niemand ken haat evenaren ik wil graag de verjongde kim wilde wel zijn ik wil graag gaan zinge maar kim wilde is een superster mooi stem mooie uitstraling

2004-05-01 23:36
kim_wilde rated 10/10
 mooie clip ze heeft allen maar mooie clips ebn liedje s

2004-05-01 10:51
Krasi [ e-mail] rated 10/10
 Hearing VFAB live always hits me straight in the heart! Pierre, my friend, give me more please! Uhhh, VFAB live versions I mean... ;o)

2004-04-22 01:36
Massimo rated 9/10
 Hello Moscow!I bet all those Russians went crazy seeing Kim Wilde. you can speak to our beautiful Karina in your native language, speakin of Karina when is WTV gona have Karina Callendar :) Pat so you re a critic what is your review for Kim's The Very Best of 2001 and Now & Forever?

2004-04-15 04:28
Calanor [ e-mail] rated 10/10
 Well, hmm, as it's apparently OK to "rerate" songs, I guess I will have to do it in this case. I do love this performance and VFAB in general is almost sacred to me. Yet, the couples simply put me off. On the other hand, Kim's super in this clip - and we're in addition talking Select here, so.. OK, I'll up the score to a 10, which combined with my previous 8 is supposed to represent, say, a 9? Still, I'll never understand what made them throw in those bikers..

2004-04-14 20:47
Wildestorm [ e-mail] rated 10/10
 This I think is one of the best live performance on TV I have ever seen, well besides those really ridiculous couples on motorbikes. Kim's voice and the music when there was some sax added in the usually spoken section really great.

2004-04-14 10:50
Marc From Pigalle [ e-mail] rated 10/10
 Is it fact or fantasy ?? That's a GREAT performance from Kim who sings exquisitely. She looks delicious, she has the attitude (the leather, the long hair, that very special pout..). Plus she sings to a sligtly different version of VFAB : the drums are a bit heavier and there's a sax break. I'm pretty sure this was performed in autumn'82 right before the start of her first live tour. That's the period I like best : the songs were all fantastic and she looked stunning as a tomboy. Definitely my kind of girl!

2004-04-13 10:43
Jim rated 9/10
 Just loved her sound and look on this show, there was a good reason for all that smoke.

2004-04-13 09:07
Alisue Xtasy [ e-mail] rated 10/10
 Yep! What IS this? Is that love blonde really responsable of our love for leather outfits? Well... I think it s time inventing a bondage Adidas line! The kind of outfit you can t get inside without passing by a big talcum powder cloud! There actually are more comfortable fabrics on the market, especially for the summer, but let s face it, only a leather attitude leads our brains into some states of mind and desires. Skin is skin! Kim sings rather well from her bridge, 10 on 10 for a good girl! L échec cuisant... Après ce téléphone loufoque et alcoolisé de samedi soir, je me réjouissais trop que ça se fasse hier, les hasards n existant pas, la leçon à tirer de cette queue de poisson est qu il est des fois mieux de faire une chose à la fois (maman a tenté maintes fois de me l expliquer, mais j aime faire ce que m on déconseille et ce qu on m interdit ;-), donc ça se fera, plus vite que tu ne peux le croire, et sans stress, en se ménageant un moment hors du temps et de ses horloges qui nous rappellent à nos occupations de fourmis. Donc en guise de conclusion, il n y a pas d échec cuisant mais qu une partie remise pour une rencontre digne de ce nom et loin des quais d une gare qui nous laissent un timide petit quart d heure. Voilà Minnie, il faut quand même que je te raconte comment j ai paumé mon billet TGV à Valence... Je faisais une démo à M de comment je suis brave à jeter plusieurs choses en même temps dans la poubelle (reste de croque-monsieur & Co), je lui disais "tu vois comme j arrive à faire tout ça comme dans une pub?" et lui "oui c est bien Alex, tu fais vraiment ça bien mais t es sûr que tu as ton billet?", moi "Evidemment! Tu me prends vraiment pour un débile ou quoi?"... Changement de train à Valence, contrôle des billets, Alex blême... "Merde, je suis trop con! J ai perdu mon billet!", M en face de moi mort de rire "je te l ai demandé en plus!", moi "merde merde merde! Va falloir que j amadoue le contrôleur à casquette!", ça a marché, tu imagines. J ai rien eu à payer en plus. A côté de moi il y avait un couple de retraités tellement mignons! La dame m a dit "Oublier votre billet dans un autre train, vous devez être amoureux alors!", moi rouge "heu... peut être oui!", M en face mort de rire. La petite dame, drôle et adorable, m a raconté toute sa vie, ses 3 enfants, ses 42 ans de mariage, son mari connu sur les bancs d école à 14 ans, comme elle a peur à Marseille, comme les gens aujourd hui ont perdu le sens de la famille. A chaque fois que la nana nous criait dans le haut parleur le prochain arrêt, on sursautait ensemble et il criait "O la la et les cardiaques alors? Elle connaît pas la psychologie ou alors elle a mangé de la vache!". Arrivés en Savoie ou ils débarquaient je leur ai demandé "quels sont vos bagages qu on vous aide à les descendre? Les rouges et noirs là?", elle "oui comme la chanson de Jeanne Mas!", moi "oui oui oui, en rouge et noir!". Suite à ça M m a dit "la moyenne d âge de ceux qui se souviennent de Jeanne Mas est dédidemment très jeune!". Il est drôle mon M et je l aime!

2004-04-13 00:38
Katrien rated 8/10
 Kim's brilliant. Even with these RIDICULOUS acts next the stage. She does not look happy being in these unprofessional circumstances but PRO as she is, she can sing live! A real natural talent, she's the best

2004-04-12 22:46
Masimo [ e-mail] rated 8/10
 Nice perf, and cool song i like View from the Bridge im glad it won..i like her tomboy rockchick image .However funny thing is Kim was this Pop Goddess of all 80's but the REAL Kim Goddess cam in 90's Kim looked realy feminine and Beautiful after 90's once she hit her 32yo she started to look more like the real Pop Goddess. Hey u never know maybe there is still some big ambition in her to come back and hit us all with New Materials in 2004 : )

2004-04-12 20:22
Pat from Paname [ e-mail] rated 8/10
 Now I remember, it was "those disgusting boyS ad girlS on those motorbikeS. Of course, I hand't noticed there were actually two of them, on each side of the stage. I thought they went from one ridiculous position to the next ridiculous position in a suspiciously short time. So poor Kim had nowhere to turn but concentrate on her singing, which sounded all the better for it. Still, a hard price to pay for the sake of art.

2004-04-12 19:58
Rashid [ e-mail] rated 10/10
 Ok, I'm giving this a 10 because it is one of the best live performances I have ever seen her do! Absolutely fantastic! I'm totally ignoring the stupid 70s porno couple at the side of the stage. What the....? Yeah Gazman I remember seeing that show where they showed Kim falling off the stage at the end, although on tv it seemed a lot clearer. You can slightly see it here. Kim is just great.

2004-04-12 19:20
Petu [ e-mail] rated 9/10
 Good performance, but too much smoke!!!

2004-04-12 18:18
JR [ e-mail] rated 8/10
 I like View From the Bridge i think its my Top 3 Favorite songs of EMI, has very powerful tune to it, and sounds great live she always sings this song live, and enjoying it...but oh boy oh boy Kim Wilde needs a NEW Album and New singles with new Videos--like "starving East Village Artist needs another hit of marichuana"LOL (its a joke) noooot

2004-04-12 16:51
Mickey [ e-mail] rated 10/10
 I've got only two helping hands, but they will do their best to keep our webmaster with us... the best is to come.

2004-04-12 16:04
Karl [ e-mail] [ website] rated 10/10
 i should have fought right back & let my feelings show...i just don't know what's fact or fantasy,cos when i look below the bridge i see it's me.

2004-04-12 15:00
Lorelei rated 10/10
 Wow..KIM is absolutely wonderful, that "Select" period rocks! I wish i could give it 100/10! Love it!

2004-04-12 14:25
Dgé [ e-mail] rated 10/10
 Lisa, that's what i thought: i sent you a mail + secrets + pic two days ago and it didn't work. I'll try it again tomorrow, i'm not at home for the moment. Kiss on your pouting mouth. About VFAB: la nana sur la moto, on dirait un travelot (attention j'ai rien contre, hein)... + le mec en cuir façon Village people, et on croirait un clip promotionnel pour une vision sm... des choses de la vie! Mais 10 pour Kim.

2004-04-12 13:30
Lisa [ e-mail] rated 10/10
 Waow, what a grande entrance. Lurve the way she walks through the fog. (God I need to work out on the step machine) Kind of understand the reason behind the trashy 80's dirty dancing biker couple - all part of Kim's tough girl image. So rock chick, yet so pure looking isn't she?

2004-04-12 12:15
Pat from Paname [ e-mail] rated 8/10
 I used to say that between Tommy, Saturday Night Fever and Patti Smith, Kim had covered all my records collection from my early teens except for The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Guess she didn't have to after this.

2004-04-12 12:03
gazman [ e-mail] rated 9/10
 THis was shown on TV a few years ago. This was because if you examine closely, Kim falls off stage at the end....poor woman!! Didn't deter the girl though! And what a good live performance...the soft porn on the motor bikes is quite amusing though!

2004-04-12 11:48
Pat from Paname [ e-mail] rated 8/10
 Sorry, forgot to mention that blurb below about Kim's interview in Smash Hits was about this performance. This would rate a 9 if it weren't for "those disgusting boy and girl" as she put it herself a year later.

2004-04-12 10:57
Ayla_fr [ e-mail] rated 9/10
 Nice perf, good sound, I thought, a little bit too much smoke ... I couldn't see the band that was actually there, I discovered in the end ! LOL, the scenario with the bikers is just not appropriate, although despite the subject, this is probably a good song to make love on ... isn't it ? ;-)

2004-04-12 09:33
Nickname [ e-mail] [ website] rated 8/10
 Vey good performance, though not everyone thought so apparently... That couple of bikers in the audience seemed very distracted. Very unprofessional of the cameraman to take his eye off Kim...

2004-04-12 08:39
jerzy [ e-mail] rated 9/10
 What a treat! Kim enveloped in smoke like a ghost is not that inappropriate considering what she sings about. And her singing is almost faultless, plus there is a saxophone solo (probably Gary's) as a bonus. It's only that very weird couple - shouldn't they be making love in a little less public place?

2004-04-12 01:42
Calanor [ e-mail] rated 8/10
 It feels outright weird to view a VFAB performance I have not seen previously and _not_ give it a 10... But I agree with Schoolgirl - the biker couple is an embarassment. Kimmy's performance is a definite 10 - I love to be able to watch a live performance of this song from back in 1982. All rock chick too, with the marvellous Select hairstyle. *dreamy look on his face* But unfortunately, the couple does spoil things a bit :/

2004-04-12 01:31
Schoolgirl [ e-mail] rated 5/10
 Sorry, but that biker couple has got to go! Also, there's so much smoke I expected to see firemen pull up at any time. Kim's fine, but she looks a bit uncomfortable. Yeah, well, it's probably that couple...or smoke inhalation...

2004-04-12 00:59
Pierre rated 10/10

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